Italian Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
Italian Motor Tour
Italian Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
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Unveiled today the hybrid Ferrari SF90

Italian Factory Motor Tour
Published by Italian Factory Motor Tour · Wednesday 29 May 2019 ·  1:00
Tags: UnveiledtodaythehybridFerrariSF90
The first hybrid Ferrari car, named SF90 Stradale in honor of the Scuderia Ferrari's 90th anniversary, was unveiled today at Fiorano in Maranello. It has a thousand horsepower, 780 of which are delivered by the V8 engine, the other 220 derive instead from the combined action of three electric motors. It has all-wheel drive and can travel 25 km electrically, and it accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds. It will go on sale next year at a price probably higher than half a million euros.

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