Italian Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
Italian Motor Tour
Italian Motor Tour
Italian Factory Motor Tour
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Ducati's Anatomy Of Speed Exhibition

Italian Factory Motor Tour
Published by Italian Factory Motor Tour · Thursday 30 May 2019 ·  1:00
Tags: MagicAyrton|TheSoulBeyondtheLimits
Ducati has inaugurated the "Anatomy of Speed" exhibition at the Ducati Museum in Borgo Panigale. The exhibition showcases Ducati's expertise and use of aerodynamics in MotoGP, and is the third temporary show organised and hosted by the Ducati Museum. The exhibition illustrates how aerodynamics plays a crucial role in achieving the performance that is the hallmark of Ducati excellence. Visitors will be introduced to aerodynamics as Ducati sees it and the exhibition then examines the research programs and solutions developed over years of intense involvement in racing.

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